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April 2024 Original scientific article Architecture and contruction

The main and primary goal of the research in this paper is to analyze the actual current situation in domestic civil engineering, by determining the causes of missing deadlines and exceeding budgets of civil engineering projects. Since the results of this research also indicate the most likely problems that could arise during the construction of a ...

By Goran Marinković, Tihomir Milutinović, Marko Božić

Changes in the structure and fragmentation of land plots, arising from the process of privatization and restitution, as well as from the realization of large-scale infrastructural projects in Southeast Europe and similar, actualize problems in terms of intensive agricultural production, and aesthetic and functional spacing design. The need for init...

By Goran Marinković, Jelena Lazić, Slobodan Morača, Ilija Grgić

The paper deals with the themes of the Earth's orientation and rotation. The parameters of the Earth's orientation can be determined by several methods. The emphasis in this paper is the influence of ocean tides to determine the parameters of the Earth's orientation with one of the space-geodetic techniques, called Very long baseline interferometry...

By Maja Orihan, Mirko Borisov, Goran Marinković, M. Vladimir Petrović

Each local, self-government unit which is planning to develop and later implement the project of land consolidation is confronted with the problem of choosing the cadastral municipality for land management via land consolidation. The appliance of multi-criteria decision method enables and helps the decision makers to act regularly and correctly whe...

By Goran Marinković, Jelena Lazić, Ilija Grgić, Zoran Ilić

In this study, for the purpose of determining the quality of a digital cadastral plan lines, we made production of digital lines plan, vectoring, and the diameter of the original data and maintaining the diameter of the five types of lines. Since digital utility cadastre plan is the basis for making part of the database of the cadastre lines, but t...

By Goran Marinković, Jelena Lazić, Zoran Ilić

June 2016 Professional paper Architecture and contruction

The Municipality of Velika Plana has been taking serious steps when it comes to initiating land consolidation projects which help realize the land reclamation projects in the simplest way. Whit the aim of obtaining the base for carrying out land reclamation projects, this work deals with and presents the survey of the hydrographic features of Munic...

By Milan Trifković, Goran Marinković, Boban Ilić, Goran Pejičić, Jelena Lazić