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The control factors of mineralization in the Ljubija ore region are stratigraphic, lithological, magmatogenic, structural-tectonic and hypergenic. The distribution of iron ores in the Ljubija ore region is primarily controlled by the spread of the Olistostrome member of the Carboniferous Javorik flysch formation. Only that member, whether uncovered...

By Aleksej Milošević, Aleksandar Grubić, Ranko Cvijić, Miodrag Čelebić, Boško Vuković

Ljubija mining area is built of more formations that belong to the Carboniferous, Permian, Triassic and Cenozoic. From all of these, only two are metalliferous to iron: Javorik formation with olistostrome member and Neogene-Quaternary of Prijedor basin. The first includes primary siderite and ankerite partially limonitised ore and in the second onl...

By Aleksandar Grubić, Ranko Cvijić, Aleksej Milošević, Miodrag Čelebić