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This paper presents the results of detailed geological investigations of the Middle Triassic dolomite deposit of Nikolin Potok, which is located west of Bugojno. Based on the established borders of surface distribution and research results, geological reserves of about 4.6 million m3 have been determined in the wider area of the deposit. The dolomi...

By Dževad Forčaković, Rejhana Dervišević

May 2021 Original scientific article Mining

This paper presents research results of the Bugojno coal basin, which contains very significant, but still insufficiently explored lignite reserves. Based on the determined borders of surface distribution and the research results in the northwestern part of the Bugojno coal basin, proved are four coal layers with reserves of over one billion tons o...

By Dževad Forčaković, Rejhana Dervišević

The paper presents results of detailed geological research of quartzite in the wider area of Smrčevice, southeastern of Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje. Based on the defined boundaries of surface distribution and research results, geological reserves of about 12 million tons have been determined in the wider area of Smrcevica. The quartzite reserves that hav...

By Dževad Forčaković, Rejhana Dervišević

This paper presents study results of the qualitative characteristics of coal deposit Kotezi. Regional geological researches were conducted from 1983 to 1987, and detailed from 2014 to the end of 2018.Tests were performed on the following coal quality parameters: average thickness of pure coal in coal layers, total moisture content, ash content, tot...

By Dževad Forčaković