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The management of air quality at landfills has, among other things, the objective of controlling of waste management efficiency at the landfill. Modern landfills, although built in accordance with domestic and European regulations, affect the quality of the air in the areawherethey are located. The challenges faced by sanitary landfills are the saf...

By Danijela Knežević, Nebojša Knežević

Regional Landfill Brijesnica is located in the northeastern part of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the western part of the municipality of Bijeljina, and began work in 2010, with an approximate area of 4.5 ha. The sanitary cells are built with protective insulating materials - special geomembranes and other materials that guarantee the protection of g...

By Nebojša Knežević, Ljiljana Vukić, Danijela Knežević