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From 35 location in the area of Pale, a ruderal community Arctio-Artemisietum vulgaris (Tx.1942) Oberd. et al. 1967 has been analysed. Photoes are made at neglected places around roads, streets, in the dumps, at the construction sites were organic origin waste are being placed and where direct antrophogenic condition are minimal. Floral elements, l...

By Slađana Petronić, Dragana Pavlović, Vesna Milić

June 2010 Original scientific article Geology

In aim discussed about ruderal flora in the region Pale. Plant material collected from the surface that has been stamped out area, the places where defer droppings, organic or inorganic source, around the old deserted railroad tracks, along the roads, around construction sites, around the Miljacka riverbed, and from cultivated and uncultivated gree...

By Slađana Petronić, Dragana Pavlović, Vesna Milić