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Efficient roadway management requires knowledge of the structural capacity of the roadway or the load-bearing capacity of the pavement structure. In order to determine the existing conditions of the pavement structure and define appropriate intervention measures, it is necessary to determine relevant impact on surface of the pavement structure on h...

By Mladen Čajić, Mirza Pozder, Branko Mazić, Sanjin Albinović, Ammar Šarić

The noise is meant by all unwanted sounds. As the years were passing by the noise has become more and more intense. European Union adopted Directive 2002/49/EC recognizing noise pollution problem. During the processes of planning and designing, and after the construction of new roads, it is of major importance to determine the level of traffic nois...

By Mirza Pozder

Putna infrastruktura predstavlja okosnicu razvoja i funkcionisanja svih mogućih ljudskih, privrednih i trećih tokova. Zato, kroz ovaj rad, žele se istaknuti neke vrijednosti koje su bitne za planiranje, projektovanje i građenje puteva, a tiču se upravljanja datog projekta. Posebno, pa čak i intenzivno, vrši se vrednovanje okolinskog inžinjer...

By Rašid Hadžić, Mirza Pozder, Žanesa Ljevo