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This study examined the impact of climate, altitude and landforms on humic acids (HA) optical properties (E4/E6, ∆logK, RF indexes) in Serbian Rendzina soils. HA humification degree of calcareous and decarbonated Rendzinas under natural vegetation (forest and grassland, separately) decreased with altitude increasing. This particular rule was not ma...

By Svjetlana Radmanović, Nataša Nikolić, Aleksandar Đorđević

This paper shows organic matter composition (humic acids, fulvic acids, humins) and fractions of humic (free and bounded with mobile R2O3 (HA1), bounded with Ca (HA2), and bounded with clay and stabile R2O3 (HA3)), and fulvo acids (free and bounded with mobile R2O3), bounded with HA1, bounded with HA2, and bounded with HA3), in Rendzina soils on di...

By Svjetlana Radmanović, Aleksandar Đorđević, Nataša Nikolić

Organic matter in Serbian Rendzina soils dependence on altitude and geographic regions was investigated. There was no regular dynamics of carbon and nitrogen content nor in C/N ratio, probably because of slight climatic variation among altitudes and regions, thus negligible differences in vegetation, organic litter and decomposition dynamics. Predi...

By Svjetlana Radmanović (Cupać), Aleksandar Đorđević, Nataša Nikolić