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The paper defines choice of the optimal excavation method for ore deposits, which are characterized by general irregularity due to their origin, occurrence and different content of the usable minerals. In such complex conditions, the choice of the excavation method is defined according to: the natural characteristics of the deposit and according to...

By Slobodan Majstorović, Dražana Tošić, Duško Torbica

In this article are presented the analysis of ore losses in bauxite underground exploitation as well as the manner and possibility to increase recovery factor of ore deposit and exploitation with minimum of diluted ore with overburden. The largest losses of ore are the caracteristics of the mining process itself and the results of model studies of ...

By Slobodan Majstorović, Dražana Tošić

Curent situation of raw material base and study of limestone like construction stone deposits in the Republic of Serbian were relatively poorly considered during the last decades, and the main problems are the following: low production capacity,fragmentation of production, needs for raw materials homogenization and delivering of standard quality, u...

By Slobodan Majstorović, Vladimir Malbašić

Getting coal using mechanized longwall on the principle of horizontal concentration in a single procedure, it can be successfully applied in mining coal seams very small thickness. For high calorific coal thickness of coal seam that can be successfully excavate this method is approximately 1.0m other coals to 5.0 m.Result of extensive laboratory re...

By Jovo Miljanović, Neđo Đurić, Lazar Stojanović, Slobodan Majstorović, Žarko Kovačević