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The physical and mechanical characteristics of coal seams, immediate floor and roof significantly influence to the choice of systems (the methods and technologies) of coal underground exploitation, and in this paper, their grouping and sorting by importance for the conditions of active underground mines in Serbia was carried out. The research is ba...

By Jelena Trivan, Dražena Tošić, Vladimir Todorović

Complex mining and geological conditions of coal exploitation, such as the Soko mine, requiring theconstant work on the research of new technical solutions of development and supporting of theunderground openings.In this paper presented detailed description of the existing way of development and supportunderground openings at the mine Soko.Experien...

By Jovo Miljanović, Žarko Kovačević, Dražena Tošić

Using of explosives in modern mining is very important for the good, efficient and rational organization for obtaining of solid minerals, especially in the exploitation of mineral resources on mines with large capacities. Technological phases of drilling and blasting in the exploitation process are very important in this case, and the analysis in t...

By Žarko Kovačević, Miodrag Čelebić, Dražena Tošić