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According to data given by [1], 165 spider species from 27 families and 103 genera are known in the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina. So far in B&H, according to [1] a total of 11 species have been registered from Fam.Aranidae and 2 species from genus Araneus; a total of 11 species from Fam.Thomisidae; a total of 11 species from Fam.Lycosida...

By Mihajlo Stanković, Milenko Ćurĉić

The research of the Gromiželj wetland flora as a special nature reserve includes the diversities of algae, lichens, mosses, ferns and seedlings. The Gromiželj wetland represents a lowland peat with the total area of 831 ha where 67.39 ha have the first degree protection and 763.61 ha the second degree protection. A special geomorphological structur...

By Milenko Ćurčić, Mihajlo Stanković, Dragica Milinković, Olivera Petrović-Tomanić