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Koridor Vc je dio mreže TEM transportne infrastrukture Jugoistočne Evrope, koji prolazi kroz Bosnu i Hercegovinu. Trasa počinje na sjeveru od rijeke Save, odnosno granice Hrvatske do Jadranskog mora. Za potrebe izrade projektne dokumentacije od idejnog rješenja do glavnog projekta, provedena su određenja istraživanja terena u dijelu trase i ...

By Neđo Đurić, Petar Mitrović, Anđa Đujić, Snežana Tadić

The bridge on the Sava River, which connects the town of Brcko the Croatian Republic was built around 100 years ago and has mainly been continuously open to traffic. Occasional delays before World War II and during World War II when it was demolished in the construction of one field of pillars, represent the creation of the periods in respect of hi...

By Neđo Đurić, Anđa Đujić, Petar Mitrović, Snežana Tadić, Jovo Miljanović