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The aim of this paper is to present a landslide remediation based on research and testing of samples, and to list those measures that will help to remediate the landslide or partially mitigate its further effects. These measures include: closing cracks, collecting and draining surface water from landslides, terrain planning, making supports from st...

By Zlatan Talić, Dženita Cerić

The aim of the paper is to show the landslide that damaged the transmission line pole, and its remediation. The landslide is located in Tuzla, and the microlocation of the facility is located in the area of the Dolina and the settlement of Vrapče. The remediation was made on the basis of a study on the characteristics of the terrain and the design ...

By Zlatan Talić, Medina Mešić

The aim of this paper is to present a landslide's remediation conducted on the basis of research and testing of samples, and list those measures that will help to remediate the landslide or partially mitigate its further effects. These measures include: closing cracks, collecting and draining surface water from landslides, terrain planning, making ...

By Zlatan Talić, Dženita Cerić, Ajla Rekić, Anela Hrnjica

In paper is given overview on geotechnical characteristics of the terrain on location of a bridge number 3, on highway Tarcin – Konjic. Complexity of geological structure, in near surface where it consists from sediments of weathering crust to depth of around 30,0 m, as well as in substrate that consists of sediments of clayey debris, determined th...

By Zlatan Talić, Edis Softić, Nerma Duraković, Dino Čustović

The paper present a review of the geotechnical characteristics of the terrain at the location of the bridge No. 3 of motorway Zenica – Sarajevo – Mostar - Bijaća, section Počitelj - Zvirovići.Also, given the suggestion of foundation structures for each column, as well as the calculated bearing capacity....

By Zlatan Talić, Đenari Ćerimagić

The paper present a review of the geotechnical characteristics of the terrain at the location of the bridge No. 1 of motorway Lašva – Donji Vakuf, subsection interchange Lašva – interchange Kaonik.Also, given the suggestion of foundation structures for each column, as well as the calculated bearing capacity...

By Zlatan Talić, Đenari Ćerimagić

December 2012 Original scientific article Geotechnics

Moguće je uspostaviti određene korelacije između geotehničkih parametara tla dobijenih u laboratoriji i na terenu, kao i indeksnih parametara. Ovi parametri bili bi utvrđeni na osnovu rezultata israživanja i ispitivanja koji bi obuhvatili: • geološke, inženjerskogeološke i hidrogeološke radove • istražna bušenja • standardna dinamičk...

By Zlatan Talić

Dok je kod ostalih građevinskih objekata opterećenje poznato, kod objekata izgrađenih na ili u stijenskoj masi, u većini slučajeva, opterećenje nije poznato jer ono ovisi o nizu čimbenika koji potječu od ponašanja sredine u kojoj se nalazi objekt, zatim o međusobnom međudjelovanju te sredine i obloge, kao i o tehnologiji izvođenja radova. Po...

By Zlatan Talić, Predrag Miščević