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One of basic problems faced in practice of landfill waste treatment is a problem relating to landfill leachate. The intensity of their production, thus their quantity, depends on numerous factors: landfill age, waste types, microclimatic parameters and similar. This leachate must not be discharged directly into the environment without its previous ...

By Nebojša Knežević, Siniša Cukut, Saša Dunović

December 2015 Original scientific article Environment

Levels of physicochemical parameters (pH, electrical conductivity, sulphates, chlorides, temperature, turbidity, total hardness, iron, manganese, copper, dissolved oxygen, oxygen saturation, total suspended solid, ammonium nitrogen, total nitrogen and orthophosphates ) were determined in the water samples collected from Pek River at 4 sample sites ...

By V. Nada Petrović, P. Dejan Marković

Location for the construction of the Ugljevik 3 Thermal Power Plant is planned within the complex of existing Thermal Power Plant Ugljevik 1 and previously commenced Thermal Power Plant Ugljevik 2. During the field research, the presence of the faults was identified, which is particularly significant for the part of planned main facilities of therm...

By Neđo Đurić, Slobodan Nedeljković, Lazar Stojanović

Getting coal using mechanized longwall on the principle of horizontal concentration in a single procedure, it can be successfully applied in mining coal seams very small thickness. For high calorific coal thickness of coal seam that can be successfully excavate this method is approximately 1.0m other coals to 5.0 m.Result of extensive laboratory re...

By Jovo Miljanović, Neđo Đurić, Lazar Stojanović, Slobodan Majstorović, Žarko Kovačević

Development of mining of firm minerals technological systems is the constantly and multifactorial process having for an object to intensify mining in various mining and geological conditions of the person and the nature safety growing requirements. It is directed on improvement of the interconnected things of the technical and technological support...

By A. Viktor Atrushkevich, A. Oleg Atrushkevich, Kemal Gutić

June 2014 Original scientific article Geotechnics

This paper is an attempt of forming mechanical behavior and establishing behavior model of reconstructed clay compacting Koševo layers in road embankments derived by numerical analysis using the Plaxis software package. For the purposes of defining the parameters of the model behavior, geomechanical laboratory tests such as identification classific...

By Milada Mataradžije

Qualitative characteristics of bauxite deposit „Oštrelj“ are defined through extensive laboratory testing of chemical and mineralogical-petrographic composition, and geomechanical characteristics. Chemical composition has shown that it is a relative poor bauxite with low Al/Si module (2,28). Low values of Al/Si module are result of lower Al2O3 conc...

By Elvir Babajić, Zehra Salkić, Alisa Babajić, Milan Stević, Miodrag Jovović

Within the project task for the road M-17,3 Buna-Neum, section Neum-Stolac, several variants have been considered and the section has been divided into several sub-sections. The sub-section Stari NeumKiševo in the length of cca 3 km has already been built, as well as the sub-section of Kiševo-Bročanac, with length cca 8,5 km. Within the sub-section...

By Mevlida Operta, Suada Pamuk

The vulnerability results of groundwaterbodies of southeastern Bosnia are shown in this paper. On the examined area 27 groundwater bodies were extracted, where 12 groundwaterbodies are in rocks with intergranular porosity and 15 groundwaterbodies are in rocks with karst-fissure porosity. All of the groundwater bodies were analysed through DRASTIC, ...

By Dado Srkalović, Željka Stjepić Srkalović

This paper presents the results of the calculation of coal reserves obtained by classical method (calculation method of geological blocks), which were compared with the results obtained by the calculation using software. Since this area was explored for long period of time and elaborates were done in past, we came to an idea to compare results from...

By Nermin Taletović, Dean Osmanović, Jasmin Isabegović