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There is a great variety of definitions of the term project. In the broadest sense, „Project is every temporary and structured process that achieves a time-limited goal or a group of goals“. The recognized American Project Management Institute PMI briefly defines a project as „a temporary venture with the aim of creating a unique ...

By Milorad Radmilović, Igor Lazarević

Gender structure of the population has been changing in dependence on fertility rate and its difference within genders, but also by emigration movements to which the population of this part of Republika Srpska was susceptible to. The ratio of male and female population can be best observed in the value of the masculinity and femininity factors in c...

By Tešo Ristić, Kornelija Ristić

This study, as it can be concluded from the title of this work concerning an important segment of the population structure, is about the economic structure. Economic structure of the population has changed in regard to the year of the census. It has been affected by purely demographic factors (fertility, mortality, migrations, age and gender struct...

By Tešo Ristić, Kornelija Ristić

June 2010 Original scientific article Geology

In aim discussed about ruderal flora in the region Pale. Plant material collected from the surface that has been stamped out area, the places where defer droppings, organic or inorganic source, around the old deserted railroad tracks, along the roads, around construction sites, around the Miljacka riverbed, and from cultivated and uncultivated gree...

By Slađana Petronić, Dragana Pavlović, Vesna Milić

From 35 location in the area of Pale, a ruderal community Arctio-Artemisietum vulgaris (Tx.1942) Oberd. et al. 1967 has been analysed. Photoes are made at neglected places around roads, streets, in the dumps, at the construction sites were organic origin waste are being placed and where direct antrophogenic condition are minimal. Floral elements, l...

By Slađana Petronić, Dragana Pavlović, Vesna Milić

December 2009 Original scientific article Environment

The aim of this study is to show relevant data on geological, structural-tectonic and hydrogeological conditions of localizations of mineral water sources in the south-east Bosnia, its physical and chemical properties, genesis and usage of mineral water in this area.For the first time, certain regulations in the appearance of mineral waters a...

By Ferid Skopljak, Hazim Hrvatović, Jasminka Saletović

On the way Drinjaca - Bratunac, near the Drina River in the village of Polom II, activated during the landfall of works execution on the existing paving times. Time is built in the early twentieth century along the left bank of the river Drina. Given that the coast of the river Drina quite steep, it is in some parts of the route came to creat...

By Neđo Đurić, Petar Mitrović, Milan Perišić

December 2009 Professional paper Mechanical engineering

Practically in all domains of engineering activities and buisness good knowladge of economic problems is required, because it provides among other elements optimal decision making. In harmony with it microeconomic discipline engineering economicsis developing with high intesity, as in practically so also in practical sense. This discipline is getti...

By Dejan Milovanović, Radule Tošović

There are a few hundred clays deposits in Republic Serbia and about 200 brickyards. Among geological-economic (industrial) types of clays the most important position hold the fire-ceramic and common (brick) clays, but of significant economic importance are some deposits of bentonite, kaolin, expanding clays and as well as sepiolite raw materials. ...

By Dejan Milovanović, Radule Tošović

December 2009 Original scientific article Construction

On the railroad Tuzla – Zvornik, on stacionage km 41+150 – km 41+200, there is a landslide on the left cut, 50 m before the entrance to the tunnel. There have been partial repairs over the years, but without any former detailed researches, so no proper solutions were found. Frequent repairs, like building shallow supporting walls, haven...

By Anđa Đujić, Neđo Đurić, Petar Mitrović