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Neđo Đurić ,
Neđo Đurić
Contact Neđo Đurić

Technical Institute Bijeljina, Bijeljina, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Kenan Imširpašić ,
Kenan Imširpašić

IPSA Institute LTD Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Alma Hadžiosmanović ,
Alma Hadžiosmanović

IPSA Institute LTD Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Anđa Đujić
Anđa Đujić

Technical Institute Bijeljina, Bijeljina, Bosnia and Herzegovina


Period of intense rainfall during May 2014 was characterized with the occurrence of a large number of landslides on terrains that have not been previously threatened by human activities, and also terrains that were the subject of engineering activities. To separate terrains that are not threatened by human activities is difficult. Still they can be observed as the terrains where in general there is no presence of human interests and terrains where people live and bring slopes to their own purposes, but do not impair the nature by doing certain technical procedures.

Seen as a whole, the most vulnerable are hilly and mountainous terrains, which mainly represent conditionally stable slopes. Some of them are abandoned and some are brought to human purposes. Both are usually conditionally stable, only is difficult to determine where is easier to distort the natural stability. At the top of the slope are mostly smaller settlements, which partially maintain slopes in their conditional stability, but also sometimes disturb that stability.

Great rainfall in May 2014 have left the greatest consequences on such terrains. Majevica, as a mountain known for such slopes on its peripheral parts, only demonstrated earlier prediction that on its terrains can frequently occur landslides, which requires a more detailed study of the terrain if used for certain purposes, especially in the construction of individual residential objects.

Landslide Suljendic is located in the Srebrenik municipality, which is characterized by terrains where occurred the largest number of landslides. More detailed landslide is on the slope that from three sides surrounds several individual objects, built on its top. For years, the slope held its conditional stability, however during the mentioned period on each side started a movment of the rock mass which formed three landslides independent of each other. On the north side is the relevant landslide for which were carried out terrain and laboratory tests and was given sanation proposal.


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