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R. Milovan Pecelj ,
R. Milovan Pecelj
Contact R. Milovan Pecelj

Faculty of geography, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia

Milica Lukić ,
Milica Lukić

Faculty of Geography, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia

Milica Pecelj ,
Milica Pecelj

Faculty of Geography, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia

Danijela Srnić ,
Danijela Srnić

Faculty of Geography, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia

Dijana Đurić
Dijana Đurić

Faculty of Geography, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia


Novi Sad and its surroundings are rich with the most diverse natural values that are good for the development of health tourism and recreation activities on their territory. Being in nature, next to water surfaces, forests and all green favorably affects on psycho – physical condition and improves life quality in urban environments. Aim of this work is geoecological evaluation of Novi Sad and its surroundings with the use of quantitative model of diversity, ie Hans Kiemstedt model for the purpose of health tourism and recreation. With this work authors want to contribute to further affirmation of geoecological evaluation in the area of planning and managing of urban areas. Methodology is based on Kiemstedt model, and criteria that are used are: forest and water edges, relief energy, way of land use and climate factor, or conditions of natural environment. Use of this model gives less of more favorable surfaces for the development of mentioned activities. The advantage of this model is the use of modern GIS technologies, obtaining tested and objective data that have a wide use.


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