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Kenan Mandžić ,
Kenan Mandžić
Contact Kenan Mandžić

Department for Mechanics, Geomechanics and Geotechnics, Faculty of Mining, Geology and Civil Engineering, University of Tuzla , Tuzla , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Adnan Ibrahimović ,
Adnan Ibrahimović

Department for Mechanics, Geomechanics and Geotechnics, Faculty of Mining, Geology and Civil Engineering, University of Tuzla , Tuzla , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Enver Mandžić
Enver Mandžić

Depertment of Technical Sciences, Academy of Sciences and Arts Bosnia and Herzegovina


Stone “Tenelija” is categorized as oolitic limestone. This stone was used to build a number of constructions in Herzegovina, and one of the most famous is the “Old Bridge” in Mostar. The stone is characterized by its specific physical and mechanical characteristics. Stone “Tenelija” has low uniaxial compression strength, low modulus of elasticity, large porosity, big influence of water on its uniaxial strength, and yet many objects that were built hundreds of years ago, form this rock, still stand. The paper presents the laboratory testing of physical and mechanical characteristics of the samples of various sizes, with all specificities. Also, mutual correlations of the results was analyzed and presented.


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