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Magmatic rocks of post-Late Eocene magmatic formation are widespread in the Sava segment of SavaVardar suture zone and adjoin areas. The rocks formed as a response to transpressional-transtensional tectonic activity preceded by the Cretaceous-Eocene compression of the Internal Dinarides and Tisia Unit as fragments of Eurasian continental lithospher...

By Zehra Salkić, Boško Lugović, Elvir Babajić

Postorogenic volcanic rocks of different Tertiary ages are very common in the Sava-Vardar Zone of the Dinarides and in the southeastern part of adjoing Pannonian Basin. South of the Sava-Vardar Zone, in central Bosnia, Tertiary volcanic rocks occur within ophiolite sequences and genetically related sedimentary formations of the Dinaride Ophiolite Z...

By Zehra Salkić, Boško Lugović, Elvir Babajić