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The main goal of this research is to examine thermal comfort in the central area of Belgrade (Serbia), over a period of 30 years (1991-2020). The Universal Thermal Climate Index (UTCI) was used as a measure for evaluating outdoor thermal comfort (OTC). The obtained results were considered separately for each season, as well as at the annual level. ...

By Milica Lukić, Dijana Đurić

The aim of this paper is to identify the most suitable locations for the construction of Solar Photovoltaic Plants (PVP) on the territory of the City of Belgrade (Republic of Serbia). The city is rich in natural resources and abundant in energy potential. The climatic and spatial characteristics favor the use of solar energy: the average annual sol...

By Dejan Filipović, Ana Lukić, Milica Lukić

The main objective of this paper is to study the outdoor thermal comfort of the central urban zone of Belgrade during summer season in order to examine how different bioclimatic conditions affect human body. For this purposes Humidex, a simple heat index was applied. The research involved analyzing different Humidex values, the so-called “sub-indic...

By Milica Lukić

Novi Sad and its surroundings are rich with the most diverse natural values that are good for the development of health tourism and recreation activities on their territory. Being in nature, next to water surfaces, forests and all green favorably affects on psycho – physical condition and improves life quality in urban environments. Aim of this wor...

By R. Milovan Pecelj, Milica Lukić, Milica Pecelj, Danijela Srnić, Dijana Đurić