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The control factors of mineralization in the Ljubija ore region are stratigraphic, lithological, magmatogenic, structural-tectonic and hypergenic. The distribution of iron ores in the Ljubija ore region is primarily controlled by the spread of the Olistostrome member of the Carboniferous Javorik flysch formation. Only that member, whether uncovered...

By Aleksej Milošević, Aleksandar Grubić, Ranko Cvijić, Miodrag Čelebić, Boško Vuković

The Strategy for the management and utilization of mineral resources of the Republic Srpska includes inevitably the mineral resource base as an essential element of material and social development, and it is one of the significant reliance forms on its own suorces in achieving economic development. In this sense, geological exploration, like an imp...

By Ranko Cvijić, Aleksej Milošević

The iron ore of the Ljubija ore region for decades has a very great impact on the overall social reproduction in the area of the city of Prijedor, RS, BiH, which is clearly connected with the constant renewal and intensification of the production process. We have systematic geological explorations last over 135 years and exploitation with certain i...

By Ranko Cvijić, Aleksej Milošević, Miodrag Čelebić, Žarko Kovačević

Ljubija mining area is built of more formations that belong to the Carboniferous, Permian, Triassic and Cenozoic. From all of these, only two are metalliferous to iron: Javorik formation with olistostrome member and Neogene-Quaternary of Prijedor basin. The first includes primary siderite and ankerite partially limonitised ore and in the second onl...

By Aleksandar Grubić, Ranko Cvijić, Aleksej Milošević, Miodrag Čelebić

U mineralno sirovinskom kompleksu Republike Srpske vlada stanje relatvine stagnacije u pogledu svih vidova istraživanja kako fudamentalnih tako regionalnih i detaljnih. To je poslijedica nepostojanja sistema funkcionalnnog upravljanja odnosno neformiranja potrebnih institucije kao i neadekvatne zakonske regulative. Da bi se stanje popravilo potrebn...

By Ranko Cvijić

June 2010 Review paper Mining

In the mineral complex and his subsystems like exploration, exploitation and primary dressing are existing big number of risk kinds/groups.The bigest importance have geological ( natural), mining- exploitation, ecological and market ( economical ) risks. All of them are direct or indirect conected with professional risk. The main subject of this wo...

By Ranko Cvijić