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Review paper


Ranko Cvijić
Ranko Cvijić
Contact Ranko Cvijić

Rudarski fakultzet Prijedor, University of Banja Luka, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Editor: Neđo Đurić


In the mineral complex and his subsystems like exploration, exploitation and primary dressing are existing big number of risk kinds/groups.The bigest importance have geological ( natural), mining- exploitation, ecological and market ( economical ) risks. All of them are direct or indirect conected with professional risk. The main subject of this work are influences of natural conditions on the professional risks where is evident direct cause and consequent relation . Looking through aspect of investment in the mineral complex political risks are very important in the modern conditions specific conected with professional risks. In this work has been giving attention on small scale mining and using of small deposits related to ILO statements , where professional risks have a specific influences.


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