Termotehnika-invest d.o.o , Banja Luka , Bosnia and Herzegovina
Termotehnika-invest d.o.o , Banja Luka , Bosnia and Herzegovina
Optimization of the regular district heating system is effective only for a short period of time, because the situtation is constantly changing as new consumers and new heating sources are added. On the other side, heating source of geothermal district heating system is of constant capacity and therefore new consumers are not to be added to the system. The system condition is not changing, and because of that it is very important to optimize such system, which ensures that system works in an optimal range for the whole period of exploatation.
The location of geothermal well is determined on the basis of hydrogeological research, no matter how distant it is from the city. Therefore, the economic aspects of transporting geothermal water from the well to the consumer is an important task, which depends on the well capacity, but also on the number of working hours of the district heating system during the year. This paper examines functional dependency of these parameters, which are considered as the main project parameters of the geothermal district heating system.
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