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Harvest residues are parts of cultivated plants that remain on the plot after harvest or grazing. Decomposition of plant residues by microorganisms involves two simultaneous processes: mineralization and humification of carbon compounds. Decomposition processes depend on the type of plant residues, edaphic factors and residue management factors. Ed...

By Novo Pržulj, Vesna Tunguz

Harvest residues (HR) are one of the important aspects of sustainable management in agriculture, representing a significant portion of organic matter (OM) that can be retained or removed from agroecosystems. There are several ways to manage plant residues: (i) burning, (ii) incorporation in soil, (iii) leaving plant residues after harvest on the s...

By Novo Pržulj, Vesna Tunguz, Zoran Jovović, Ana Velimirović

June 2019 Original scientific article Environment

Soil is one of the most important natural resources. Measurement of natural radioactivity in soil is very important to determine the amount of change of the natural background activity with time as a result of any radioactivity release.Coal mine and thermal power plant in Gacko field is a very important industrial facility. The content of radionucl...

By Vesna Tunguz, Bojana Petrović, Zoranka Malešević, Slađana Petronić