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Reconstruction of share in an existing corridor of Terminal Brod to the Croatian border on the Sava River is part of the corridor, which continues to go across the river to Slavonski Brod. The existing corridor will be replaced on a part of Sava River, where is planned a production of a tunnel with two vertical shafts on the banks of the river. Res...

By Neđo Đurić, Petar Mitrović

December 2015 Original scientific article Food processing technology

Spices and herbs have been used for centuries by many cultures to enhance the flavor and aroma of foods. Early cultures also recognized the value of using spices and herbs in preserving foods and for their medicinal value. In the present study the essential oil of wild growing Thymus praecox Opiz ssp. polytrichus was isolated by hydrodistillationpr...

By V. Nada Petrović, S. Slobodan Petrović, Dubravka Jovičić, Marina Francišković

During construction, especially of tunnels, very often there is a need to change the tender technical documents, i.e. the documents upon which the construction permit is obtained and the tender is announced. The main reason for the change of documentation is, above all, unsuficient geotechnical investigations due to which technical solutions and ca...

By Dragan Lukić, Stanko Brčić, Elefterija Zlatanović

In the modern mining, best efficient organization by obtaining solid minerals, is getting with explosives utilization for blasting, with the growth of significance in the exploitation of mineral resources in the open pit mines with large capacities. In this paper technological stages of drilling and blasting, that are demanding from the technologic...

By Vladimir Malbašić, Žarko Kovačević, Miodrag Čelebić, Jovana Crnogorac

December 2015 Review paper Geotechnics

Today's building of facilities does not follow the study of the characteristics of the terrain on which the facility is constructed. The period of rapid construction, which can be called the "modern construction" does not follow the quality of constructed facilities. Usually it is the uncontrolled building, where is only important to build a facili...

By Neđo Đurić

The paper present a review of the geotechnical characteristics of the terrain at the location of the bridge No. 3 of motorway Zenica – Sarajevo – Mostar - Bijaća, section Počitelj - Zvirovići.Also, given the suggestion of foundation structures for each column, as well as the calculated bearing capacity....

By Zlatan Talić, Đenari Ćerimagić

June 2015 Original scientific article Chemical Tehnology

In the present work, the abilities of natural and synthetic samples of goethite and hematite to remove copper Cu(II) ) and zinc Zn(II) ions from aqueous solutions were compared. Batch adsorption experiments were performed in order to evaluate the removal efficiency of iron oxide samples. The effect of initial metal ion concentration, initial pH and...

By Alexandra Bekényiová, Iveta Štyriaková, Zuzana Danková

Ljubija mining area is built of more formations that belong to the Carboniferous, Permian, Triassic and Cenozoic. From all of these, only two are metalliferous to iron: Javorik formation with olistostrome member and Neogene-Quaternary of Prijedor basin. The first includes primary siderite and ankerite partially limonitised ore and in the second onl...

By Aleksandar Grubić, Ranko Cvijić, Aleksej Milošević, Miodrag Čelebić

Regional Landfill Brijesnica is located in the northeastern part of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the western part of the municipality of Bijeljina, and began work in 2010, with an approximate area of 4.5 ha. The sanitary cells are built with protective insulating materials - special geomembranes and other materials that guarantee the protection of g...

By Nebojša Knežević, Ljiljana Vukić, Danijela Knežević

Organic matter in Serbian Rendzina soils dependence on altitude and geographic regions was investigated. There was no regular dynamics of carbon and nitrogen content nor in C/N ratio, probably because of slight climatic variation among altitudes and regions, thus negligible differences in vegetation, organic litter and decomposition dynamics. Predi...

By Svjetlana Radmanović (Cupać), Aleksandar Đorđević, Nataša Nikolić