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Biodiesel is produced by chemically reacting transesterification of a fat or oil with an alcohol, in the presence of a catalyst. The product of the reaction is a mixture of methyl esters, which are known as biodiesel. Despite its positive qualities, biodiesel has certain negative chemical characteristics when it is used as an alternative fuel. Chie...

By Rafinerija ulja Modriča

New European legislation and regulation in the field of mining and geology related to mining, when it comes to classification and valuation of mineral reserves and resources of raw materials, required to be sure, from an economic point of view, define and implement a process evaluation of mines and mineral deposits of raw materials, to determine th...

By Dragoljub Urošević

Handing problems in this paper is dedicated to defining the basic optimization of tehnological parameters chamber layers of lignite mining methods and large coal thickness in the complex conditions of exploatation. On observed methodological approach is performed mathematical modeling of rational parameters chamber spoil or spoil battery....

By Mirko Ivković

The bridge on the Sava River, which connects the town of Brcko the Croatian Republic was built around 100 years ago and has mainly been continuously open to traffic. Occasional delays before World War II and during World War II when it was demolished in the construction of one field of pillars, represent the creation of the periods in respect of hi...

By Neđo Đurić, Anđa Đujić, Petar Mitrović, Snežana Tadić, Jovo Miljanović

June 2010 Review paper Mining

In the mineral complex and his subsystems like exploration, exploitation and primary dressing are existing big number of risk kinds/groups.The bigest importance have geological ( natural), mining- exploitation, ecological and market ( economical ) risks. All of them are direct or indirect conected with professional risk. The main subject of this wo...

By Ranko Cvijić

Prilikom istraživanja ruderalne vegetacije Pala izdvojena je zajednica Onopordetum acanthii Br.-Bl. 1926. U radu je prikazan floristički sastav, ekološke i fitogeografske karakteristike ove asocijacije. Floristički sastav navedene fitocenoze čine 94 vrste od kojih edifikatorska vrsta Onopordum acanthium ostvaruje najveći stepen prisutnosti (...

By Slađana Petronić

June 2010 Original scientific article Geology

Optimization of the regular district heating system is effective only for a short period of time, because the situtation is constantly changing as new consumers and new heating sources are added. On the other side, heating source of geothermal district heating system is of constant capacity and therefore new consumers are not to be added to the sys...

By Veljko V. Đuričković, Aleksandra V. Đuričković

Correct design of district heating network requires that each of its segments operates in optimal working interval, meaning that total costs of each segment (investment and operational costs) are minimal. In order to accomplish that, the designer needs to obtain all information regarding main dependences between segment load, its diameter and costs...

By Veljko V. Đuričković

June 2010 Professional paper Energy

Energy sector, as a key society development factor pays important attention for securing demand of energy supply of customers. Along side with this, risk analyses are performed in order to define causative agent for risk development and its reduction. The activities are performed both in the field of production and the field of energy transfer and ...

By Zdravko N. Milovanović

June 2010 Original scientific article Environment

Floristička istraživanja ovoga područja su pokazala izuzetan diverzitet vaskularne flore koji se ogleda u prisustvu oko 400 biljnih vrsta svrstanih u 280 rodova i 85 porodica. Taksonomskom analizom utvrđeno je da najveći broj taksona vaskularnih biljaka područja Gromiželja pripada klasi Dicotyledones i to: 335 vrsta, 231 rod i 67 porodica. Analizir...

By Slađana Petronić, Jelena Kadić, Dejan Radošević, Goran Panić