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New European legislation and regulation in the field of mining and geology related to mining, when it comes to classification and valuation of mineral reserves and resources of raw materials, required to be sure, from an economic point of view, define and implement a process evaluation of mines and mineral deposits of raw materials, to determine th...

By Dragoljub Urošević

The principle of the integral approach to environmental protection requires harmonised legal acts (laws) in a number of fields of social action, thus creating clear grounds in relation to jurisdiction, higher sphere of social action and sanctioning of failure in implementation of the prescribed measures. Such grounds are still non-existing in the F...

By Slavka Sufi-Mićić

June 2010 Original scientific article Environment

Ozone occurs in the atmosphere at the highest volume in the stratospheric and tropospheric layer. In the stratosphere occurs naturally through the action of solar and cosmic radiation on oxygen molecules that break down to atomic oxygen, with the creation of molecules of ozone. Tropospheric ozone occurs in the lower layers of the atmosphere in the ...

By Neđo Đurić, Jovan Đuković, Nada Božić, Radenko Babić, Bosiljka Stojanović

The paper is describing main construction project of ,,Vidovača 1” landfall rehabilitation on road R-    223, section: Prokuplje - Žitni potok, km:56+928. Selected solution consists of the RC panels and RC     tie-beams, and proved to be suitable for the unfavorable, steep and inaccessible terrain, prone to     m...

By Srđan Spasojević, Boško Ubiparip

Disposed of in the open air coal is constantly in contact with oxygen from the air, which leads to oxidation of coal in this matter and is released a certain amount of heat. If there are no conditions to the constant heat sinks, warming occurs, then the only inflammatory coal matter. The tendency of matter to carbon just warming up and only inflamm...

By Dragoljub Urošević

June 2010 Original scientific article Geology

Optimization of the regular district heating system is effective only for a short period of time, because the situtation is constantly changing as new consumers and new heating sources are added. On the other side, heating source of geothermal district heating system is of constant capacity and therefore new consumers are not to be added to the sys...

By Veljko V. Đuričković, Aleksandra V. Đuričković

Handing problems in this paper is dedicated to defining the basic optimization of tehnological parameters chamber layers of lignite mining methods and large coal thickness in the complex conditions of exploatation. On observed methodological approach is performed mathematical modeling of rational parameters chamber spoil or spoil battery....

By Mirko Ivković

The bridge on the Sava River, which connects the town of Brcko the Croatian Republic was built around 100 years ago and has mainly been continuously open to traffic. Occasional delays before World War II and during World War II when it was demolished in the construction of one field of pillars, represent the creation of the periods in respect of hi...

By Neđo Đurić, Anđa Đujić, Petar Mitrović, Snežana Tadić, Jovo Miljanović

June 2010 Review paper Mining

In the mineral complex and his subsystems like exploration, exploitation and primary dressing are existing big number of risk kinds/groups.The bigest importance have geological ( natural), mining- exploitation, ecological and market ( economical ) risks. All of them are direct or indirect conected with professional risk. The main subject of this wo...

By Ranko Cvijić

Biodiesel is produced by chemically reacting transesterification of a fat or oil with an alcohol, in the presence of a catalyst. The product of the reaction is a mixture of methyl esters, which are known as biodiesel. Despite its positive qualities, biodiesel has certain negative chemical characteristics when it is used as an alternative fuel. Chie...

By Rafinerija ulja Modriča