Technical Institute Bijeljina, Bijeljina, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Reconstruction of share in an existing corridor of Terminal Brod to the Croatian border on the Sava River is part of the corridor, which continues to go across the river to Slavonski Brod. The existing corridor will be replaced on a part of Sava River, where is planned a production of a tunnel with two vertical shafts on the banks of the river. Research in the field of the shafts and tunnels are divided in two parts considering the border line between the countries Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia. On the right bank of the Sava River researches were conducted in the development of the vertical shaft.
The complexity of the geological structure and the proximity of of the Sava River require the development of the vertical shaft from the supporting structure of reinforced concrete (RC) midriffs. Also, the flow of water into the shaft is largely expected from its bottom, which requires manufacturing
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