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Review paper


Neđo Đurić
Neđo Đurić
Contact Neđo Đurić

Technical Institute Bijeljina, Bijeljina, Bosnia and Herzegovina


Today's building of facilities does not follow the study of the characteristics of the terrain on which the facility is constructed. The period of rapid construction, which can be called the "modern construction" does not follow the quality of constructed facilities. Usually it is the uncontrolled building, where is only important to build a facility without taking into account the conditions of its construction and safety during exploitation.Many steps before and during the construction of facilities are neglected, which is reflected in their safety, especially after its construction.

The paper gives an example of a negative construction of facilities, as well as an overview of what is within the geological research andstudies of the field that need to be done to adequately define the geological and geotechnical characteristics of the terrain, as the basis on which the facility is constructed. This example is just one of many negative examples today.


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