aculty of Mining, Geology and Civil Engineering, University of Tuzla , Tuzla , Bosnia and Herzegovina
aculty of Mining, Geology and Civil Engineering, University of Tuzla , Tuzla , Bosnia and Herzegovina
GIT Institute ltd. Tuzla , Tuzla , Bosnia and Herzegovina
Faculty of Mining, Geology and Civil Engineering, University of Tuzla , Tuzla , Bosnia and Herzegovina
Construction ltd. Teočak Bosnia and Herzegovina
When building new roads in BiH, reconstruction or rehabilitation of existing roads, construction or replacement of asphalt layers is a mandatory part of construction works. The lifespan of the entire pavement structure depends on the quality of the final asphalt layers of the pavement structure. One of the most significant characteristics of the asphalt mixture during installation is the temperature of the asphalt mixture. Legislation, ie technical conditions, define the minimum temperature of the asphalt mixture as well as the limit air temperature during the installation of asphalt, but special emphasis is given to the optimal temperature of the asphalt mixture. The optimal temperature of the asphalt mixture in this paper was analyzed through the compaction property of the asphalt mixture. Thus, working on several specific examples, observes the optimal temperature of the asphalt mixture so as to obtain the best possible compaction of the installed asphalt. During the research, a number of other data that are important for the research were measured, such as the number of roller crossings, the weight of the rollers, the air temperature, etc.
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