The efficiency of wastewater treatment is not only measured by the quality of treated wastewater, but also by the efficiency of treatment and permanent disposal of sludge that is separated. In addition to harmless, the sludge also contains hazardous substances that are released from wastewater during treatment. This work aims to obtain a neutral and harmless product by treating waste sludge with a stabilization and solidification process using modified MID-MIX technology. Physico-chemical analysis has shown that the obtained solidification or neutral, completely inert material, which has a use-value, can be safely disposed of in a sanitary landfill following EU (European Union) regulations. In terms of chemical composition, it is a mixture of crystal-bound organo-calcium, hydrophobic salts with a low moisture content of 5.8%. The results show that the method is the most environmentally friendly and most economical for the treatment of sludge, which can be applied to other types of waste with minor modifications.
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