On February 6th 2023 two major earthquakes struck southeast Turkey, M7.7 Kahramanmaras and M7.6 Elbistan, respectively. Unfortunately, due to the impact of these catastrophic events more than 50 000 casualties and 35 000 collapsed buildings have been reported since then. The aim of the study is to demonstrate preliminary site response analysis and assessment of re-liquefaction potential of sites which have been affected by the earthquakes – especially the cities of Iskenderun and Golbasi. Both site-specific areas have clear evidences of liquefaction and lateral spreading events which imply the focus of the presented paper. A series of geophysical MASW and microtremor tests have been performed in order to determine shear wave velocities up to depth of 30 m as well as the fundamental natural frequency of the soil deposits.
Moreover, samples have been collected from sand and silt ejecta in order to evaluate some basic physical properties – grain-size curves, specific gravity and plasticity parameters. On the basis of the obtained data seismic classification of the investigated sites according to current design codes has been made and in-depth distance to relatively stiff layer has been assumed. For the sake of evaluating risk of re-liquefaction the widely-used simplified stress-based approach to triggering assessment has been adopted considering some rules of the thumb (e.g., sieve analysis and plasticity properties evaluation). Lastly, post-liquefaction reconsolidation settlement and lateral displacement have been determined in terms of future earthquakes
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