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G.K Monica Nandini
Contact G.K Monica Nandini

Sona College of Technology


Agriculture is the most advanced civilian profession. However, farmers in India continue to use traditional agricultural supervision approaches, resulting in water failure problems. Currently, Automatic irrigation systems using humidity detectors, rain sensors, and temperature sensors are used for effectively managing water in an agricultural field where the perpetration of sensors that descry the humidity in the soil of a chosen agrarian field has been carried out. This system uses a wireless sensor network, in which sensors in the selected field are not activated until the field has enough water for the crops. Once the field gets dry, detectors smell the water demand in the field and shoot a signal to the Arduino which supplies water to that field which has water demand till the sensors are killed, considering the rainfall data using the installed rain sensor. In case, when there is more than one signal for water demand also the Arduino will prioritize the first entered signal and wash the fields consequently. This work has been enforced in a pastoral area with an agrarian field of 10 hectares and validated.


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