Wastewater treatment plant is an integral part of the sewerage systemof the town of Bijeljina and it is located at the distance of 10 kilometers.Given the factthat it comprises several objects of different significance, it was necessary to select a suitable location to set up all facilities required. The site is located immediately next to the MPC – Majevicaperipheral channel that collects water from surrounding areas and drains into the River Sava.By the construction of a mentioned plant, purified water would flow through the channel to the River Sava.
The wastewater treatment plant is accompanied by several objects of different importance, both in dimension and depth of foundations. Detailed geological surveys defined geological composition and geomechanical properties that are the basis for defining the requirements for foundation. Particular importance was given to facilities that require deeper foundations while smaller objects can be based in a layer of the embankment, which will be set up to a certain elevation to establish new alignment field.
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