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Milenko Ćurĉić ,
Milenko Ćurĉić

Faculty of Education, University of East Sarajevo , East Sarajevo , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Dragica Milinković ,
Dragica Milinković

Faculty of Education, University of East Sarajevo , East Sarajevo , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Dragana Radivojević ,
Dragana Radivojević

Faculty of Education, University of East Sarajevo , East Sarajevo , Bosnia and Herzegovina

Dijana Đurić
Dijana Đurić

Faculty of Civil Engineering Subotica, University of Novi Sad , Novi Sad , Serbia


Parallel with the research of Bacillariophyta flora in the well with shadoof on the area of Semberija was researched Bacillariophyta flora of other freshwater systems that are located in the near or distant environment from the researched wells, such as Drenovaĉa swamp, Sava river, Jelaz canal, artesian wells and ephemeral swamps. It is very interesting to compare Bacillariophyta flora that inhabits wells and Bacillariophyta flora of Drenovaĉa swamp that is only a dozen meters away from the researched well of Lazić Mijo, a local in the village Velino Selo.

All identified Bacillariophyta in researched well belong to aerophile, which indicates on certain ecology of the well, that is a specific life conditions that are present in wells as anthropogenic creations. Contrary to the well flora, Bacillariophyta flora of Drenovaĉa swamp is composed party of algae belonging to benthos. In Lazić Mijo well were identified 33Bacillariophyta, all aerophile, while in Drenovaĉa swamp were identified 57 Bacillariophyta, from which only 18 are aerophile and others belong to benthos.

Considering that Bacillariophyta is a component of aeroplankton, and that via air currents can be transmitted over long distances, it is assumed that similarly aerophile Bacillariophyta were transmitted on mosses associations on the well wall, manifested their adaptive attributes in such biotopes, and by that became autochthonous flora of the well. Large qualitative differences in Bacillariophyta flora in wells with shadoof and in Bacillariophyta flora of Drenovaĉa swamp also indicate on autochthony of Bacillariophyta flora of the well, which means that species were not transmitted from the neighborhood.


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