Faculty of mining, geology and civil engineering Tuzla, University of Tuzla , Tuzla , Bosnia and Herzegovina
Faculty of mathematics and natural sciences Tuzla, University of Tuzla , Tuzla , Bosnia and Herzegovina
The vulnerability results of groundwaterbodies of southeastern Bosnia are shown in this paper. On the examined area 27 groundwater bodies were extracted, where 12 groundwaterbodies are in rocks with intergranular porosity and 15 groundwaterbodies are in rocks with karst-fissure porosity. All of the groundwater bodies were analysed through DRASTIC, GLA, PI and EPIK vulnerability determination methods, where the gained results are presented tabular. Depending on the porosity type, the vulnerability determination methods were used. So for intergranular groundwaterbodies the best results were gained by DRASTIC and GLA methods, while for the karst-fissure groundwater bodies the best results were gained by the EPIK method, which is the implementation of PI method.
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