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This paper researches thermal comfort of the town of Ugljevik in Bosnia and Herzegovina for the year 2021, by analyzing bioclimatic index Wet bulb globe temperature (WBGT). The analysis is a continuation of the research on the bioclimatic conditions of the area of Semberija plain and Majevica mountain, which has so far covered only the city of Bije...

By Dijana Đurić, Vanja Jakšić, Aleksandar Šelić, Ilija Vlajić

This research represents the results of field work conducted in the period from March 29 to May 29. 2020, to determine and record the location of illegal waste disposal sites in the municipalities of Istočno Novo Sarajevo and Istočna Ilidža. The location of illegal waste disposal sites was analyzed based on two groups of factors: space exposure and...

By Mitar Krsmanović, Sanda Šušnjar, Jelena Golijanin, Aleksandar Valjarević

Old-growth forests represent a very valuable field for research of natural processes. The application of remote sensing was carried out on two old-growth forests in the northwestern part of the Republic of Srpska. The sample plots from OG Janj show relatively higher mean values (NDVI, SAVI and EVI) compared to OG Lom, with the exception of the VARI...

By Zoran Govedar, Nemanja Anikić, Srđan Bilić

Harvest residues (HR) are one of the important aspects of sustainable management in agriculture, representing a significant portion of organic matter (OM) that can be retained or removed from agroecosystems. There are several ways to manage plant residues: (i) burning, (ii) incorporation in soil, (iii) leaving plant residues after harvest on the s...

By Novo Pržulj, Vesna Tunguz, Zoran Jovović, Ana Velimirović

This paper presents the results of detailed geological investigations of the Middle Triassic dolomite deposit of Nikolin Potok, which is located west of Bugojno. Based on the established borders of surface distribution and research results, geological reserves of about 4.6 million m3 have been determined in the wider area of the deposit. The dolomi...

By Dževad Forčaković, Rejhana Dervišević

The aim of this paper is to present a landslide remediation based on research and testing of samples, and to list those measures that will help to remediate the landslide or partially mitigate its further effects. These measures include: closing cracks, collecting and draining surface water from landslides, terrain planning, making supports from st...

By Zlatan Talić, Dženita Cerić

Harvest residues are parts of cultivated plants that remain on the plot after harvest or grazing. Decomposition of plant residues by microorganisms involves two simultaneous processes: mineralization and humification of carbon compounds. Decomposition processes depend on the type of plant residues, edaphic factors and residue management factors. Ed...

By Novo Pržulj, Vesna Tunguz

June 2022 Original scientific article Construction

Changes in the built environment are inevitable due to diversity in human needs over time and it is suggested by scientists to consider flexibility and adaptability under concept of Open Building Systems (OBS) to mitigate impacts on environment and to satisfy the end-user. However, conventional methods are still common due to the lack of knowledge ...

By Mostafa Hosseini, Syahrizal Ibrahim Izni, Nobahar Sadeghifam Aidin, Rahnama Hamed

The issues addressed in this paper are dedicated to the balancing and analysis of coal reserves for the system of underground exploitation in the Republic of Serbia, both in active mines – deposits and in prospective deposits for activation in terms of production. The basic message emphasizes the importance of coal as the leading domestic ene...

By Zorica Ivković, Dražana Tošić, Dejan Dramlić

The aim of the paper is to show the landslide that damaged the transmission line pole, and its remediation. The landslide is located in Tuzla, and the microlocation of the facility is located in the area of the Dolina and the settlement of Vrapče. The remediation was made on the basis of a study on the characteristics of the terrain and the design ...

By Zlatan Talić, Medina Mešić