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June 2020 Original scientific article Chemical Tehnology

In this study the adsorption of As(V), Cu(II) and Zn(II) ions from multi-species model solution was tested in dynamic conditions in sand columns containing a thin layer of bentonite (B), iron-based sludge (IS) and synthetic magnetic particles (MP). Adsorption experiments were performed in order to evaluate the removal efficiency and selectivity of ...

By Alexandra Bekényiová, Zuzana Danková, Michal Hegedüs, Zuzana Mitróová, Silvia Dolinská, Ingrid Znamenáčková

This paper presents study results of the qualitative characteristics of coal deposit Kotezi. Regional geological researches were conducted from 1983 to 1987, and detailed from 2014 to the end of 2018.Tests were performed on the following coal quality parameters: average thickness of pure coal in coal layers, total moisture content, ash content, tot...

By Dževad Forčaković

Prevention of the surface water quality deterioration as a result of motorway construction or similar anthropogenic activities is certainly a rather more demanding task relating to watercourses with lower flow rates than larger watercourses. The paper presents the impact of part of the Banja Luka - Doboj motorway construction site, notably section ...

By Nebojša Knežević, Dušica Pešević

According to data given by [1], 165 spider species from 27 families and 103 genera are known in the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina. So far in B&H, according to [1] a total of 11 species have been registered from Fam.Aranidae and 2 species from genus Araneus; a total of 11 species from Fam.Thomisidae; a total of 11 species from Fam.Lycosida...

By Mihajlo Stanković, Milenko Ćurĉić

The aim of this paper is to identify the most suitable locations for the construction of Solar Photovoltaic Plants (PVP) on the territory of the City of Belgrade (Republic of Serbia). The city is rich in natural resources and abundant in energy potential. The climatic and spatial characteristics favor the use of solar energy: the average annual sol...

By Dejan Filipović, Ana Lukić, Milica Lukić

Parallel with the research of Bacillariophyta flora in the well with shadoof on the area of Semberija was researched Bacillariophyta flora of other freshwater systems that are located in the near or distant environment from the researched wells, such as Drenovaĉa swamp, Sava river, Jelaz canal, artesian wells and ephemeral swamps. It is very intere...

By Milenko Ćurĉić, Dragica Milinković, Dragana Radivojević, Dijana Đurić

Postorogenic volcanic rocks of different Tertiary ages are very common in the Sava-Vardar Zone of the Dinarides and in the southeastern part of adjoing Pannonian Basin. South of the Sava-Vardar Zone, in central Bosnia, Tertiary volcanic rocks occur within ophiolite sequences and genetically related sedimentary formations of the Dinaride Ophiolite Z...

By Zehra Salkić, Boško Lugović, Elvir Babajić

June 2020 Original scientific article Construction

Water consumption in a settlement is an extremely variable size that changes constantly over time. Changes in water consumption occur on an annual, monthly, weekly, daily and hourly basis, and depend on many factors such as: climate, season, temperatures, hours of work, consumer habits, etc.Extreme value of consumption, ie. the peak hour flow is de...

By Jasmin Hrnjadović, Nedim Suljić

The issue of the appearance and development of cracks, as well as an increase the cracking moment is of particular importance for bending elements operating under aggressive environmental conditions. In structures without cracks, steel reinforcement operates in fairly favorable conditions. However, when cracks appear in the sections of the structur...

By Artem Levchenko, Aleksei Polikutin, Dmitry Barabash

Dams and tailing storage facilities are specific mining facilities that carry many potential hazards, and therefore risks. In this paper, for tailing mud damMedjedja andtailing storage facilityof the Omarska Mine near Prijedor, on the basis of the current state of the dam, past events, visual observations and specialist measurements, we have analys...

By Lazar Stojanovic, Ljubica Figun, Jelena Trivan