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Yanan Fan ,
Yanan Fan

Faculty of Earth Sciences and Environmental Management, University of Wrocław , Wrocław , Poland

Mohammad Heydari ,
Mohammad Heydari
Contact Mohammad Heydari

Business College, Southwest University , Chongqing , China

Mahdiye Saeidi ,
Mahdiye Saeidi

Department of Tehran West, Iran, Payame Noor University , Tehran , Iran

Kin Keung Lai ,
Kin Keung Lai

International Business School, Shaanxi Normal University , Xi'an , China

Jiahui Yang ,
Jiahui Yang

Business College, Southwest University , Chongqing , China

Xinyu Cai ,
Xinyu Cai

Business College, Southwest University , Chongqing , China

Ying Chen
Ying Chen

Business College, Southwest University , Chongqing , China


The effects of corruption in urban development and urban affairs management in several south Asian countries are examined through a series of specific, distinctive, and provocative cases for which the data is more readily available. The stories and themes provide a starting point for analyzing corruption as a symptom and factor of underdevelopment, affecting efforts to use and allocate scarce resources for a higher quality of life in cities. It shows how corruption stifles imaginative and creative solutions to urban challenges while increasing future revenue sources. 3Ps has provided a chance for the public section to look at various funding expertise and options from the business sector to prepare the public infrastructure. On the other hand, governments in the source of budget limitations and other competing demands for state sources can’t supply each citizenry’s infrastructure. Besides, the private sector has been considered a better resource manager, and the government should concentrate on policymaking. Where P3s are put to fair use, the advantages are immense. Unfortunately, vulnerable to bribery. This is the case; whatever benefits 3P offers in reducing the urban infrastructure deficit may be eroded due to corruption, which could lead to an increase in construction or facility costs.’ rehabilitation. Secondly, a PPP process marred by corruption could lead to inferior construction substances. One of the fund’s big chunks will be diverted to the public officials’ bribing via the project company. Thirdly, a corrupt process could compromise officials’ integrity that has been charged with accountability for inspecting and approving construction works.


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