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Janak Trivedi ,
Janak Trivedi
Contact Janak Trivedi

Engineering Department, Faculty of Electronics & Communication , Gujarat Technological University , Ahmedabad , India

Mandalapu Sarada Devi ,
Mandalapu Sarada Devi

Engineering Department, Faculty of Electronics & Communication, Gujarat Technological University , Ahmedabad , India

Brijesh Solanki
Brijesh Solanki

Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Gujarat Technological University , Ahmedabad , India


Vehicle classification is a crucial task owing to vehicles' diverse and intricate features, such as edges, colors, shadows, corners, and textures. The accurate classification of vehicles enables their detection and identification on roads and facilitates the development of an electronic tollcollection system for smart cities. Furthermore, vehicle classification is useful for traffic signal control strategy. However, achieving accurate vehicle classification poses significant challenges due to the limited processing time for real-time applications, image resolution, illumination variations in the video, and other interferences. This study proposes a method for automated automobile detection, recognition, and classification using statistics derived from approximately 11,000 images. We employ SURF-based detection and different classifiers to categorize vehicles into three groups. The Traffic Management System (TMS) is crucial for studying mobility and smart cities. Our study achieves a high automobile classification rate of 91% with the medium Gaussian Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier. The paper's main objective is to analyze five object classifiers for vehicle recognition: Decision Tree, Discriminant Analysis, SVM, K-Nearest Neighbor Classifier (KNN), and Ensemble Classifier. In the discussion section, we present the limitations of our work and provide insights into future research directions.


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