Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have gained widespread interest as a result of developments in IT technology and the electronics industry. This ground-breaking sensing technology consists of multiple sensor nodes or motes that are placed in an atmosphere to detect constantly changing physical phenomena. These compact sensor nodes gather and interpret data via radio waves. The tiny size of these sensors is advantageous since they may be readily incorporated into any system or system. This capability has prompted the adoption of WSNs, particularly for form monitoring and tracking; most notably, monitoring apps. However, this small scale of sensor nodes limits the capacity of resources. Usually, the WSNs are installed in environments of unsafe or difficult human interference. Critical decisions in emergency applications can require sensible knowledge. It is necessary to check the network security. To extend the network security using Homomorphic Encryption effectively, the available resources must be expanded to a full view. This refers to the development of energy-efficient routing protocol strategies to ensure low energy consumption of common routing protocols and improve the availability and security of WSNs. Homomorphic encryption is effective in improving the security of wireless sensor networks.
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