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Anshul Jain ,
Anshul Jain

Shri Vaishnav Vidyapeeth Vishwavidyalaya India

K. Ananda Babu Orcid logo
K. Ananda Babu

Shri Vaishnav Vidyapeeth Vishwavidyalaya India


The growing global concern about environmental deterioration and energy consumption has made green architecture and energy efficiency essential in modern construction. To improve energy efficiency, green architecture uses a variety of creative design and construction methods, which are all thoroughly reviewed in this paper. The study explores the incorporation of sustainable design concepts and highlights the significance of reducing the environmental impact of buildings. This paper examines the traditional residential project of a Tier-II city Bhopal in exhibiting environmentally benign characteristics. In addition, the use of cutting-edge building technologies, like HVAC systems with low energy consumption and smart grids, is explored as a means of maximizing energy efficiency across a building's lifetime. The combination of these technologies not only helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions overall but also encourages energy self-sufficiency. Hence energy efficiency in the infrastructure can be promoted along with a positive approach for the environmental issues.


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