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Intensity of electromagnetic pollution is followed by rapid increasing of new telecommunication technologies over the years. In order to prevent enlarged exposed of general population with doses of electromagnetic radiation above allowed for general population, living as well as working environment around antenna systems should be tested. Using sop...

By Zoran Popović, Predrag Ilić, Ranko Mirošljević, Suzana Gotovac-Atlagić

December 2019 Original scientific article Environment

Subject of this paper is the analysis of technological waste water within the business complex of BIMAL d.d.Brčko, which is generated as a result of technological processes within the oil refinery, press plant and extraction plant. This paper is aimed at establishingwhether the registered values of the tested parameters, based on physicochemical an...

By Dušica Pešević, Nebojša Knežević, Mirjana Marković

The main objective of this paper is to study the outdoor thermal comfort of the central urban zone of Belgrade during summer season in order to examine how different bioclimatic conditions affect human body. For this purposes Humidex, a simple heat index was applied. The research involved analyzing different Humidex values, the so-called “sub-indic...

By Milica Lukić

In paper are presented results of bioclimatic model Wet bulbe globe temperature (WBGT) for the area of the city of Bijeljina, for the period of 10 years, from 2009 to 2018. The city is located in the north east part of Bosnia and Herzegovina and has a moderate continental climate. Results were obtained by calculation of meteorological data in softw...

By Dijana Đurić, Jovana Topalić Marković

The paper deals with the themes of the Earth's orientation and rotation. The parameters of the Earth's orientation can be determined by several methods. The emphasis in this paper is the influence of ocean tides to determine the parameters of the Earth's orientation with one of the space-geodetic techniques, called Very long baseline interferometry...

By Maja Orihan, Mirko Borisov, Goran Marinković, M. Vladimir Petrović

June 2019 Original scientific article Environment

Soil is one of the most important natural resources. Measurement of natural radioactivity in soil is very important to determine the amount of change of the natural background activity with time as a result of any radioactivity release.Coal mine and thermal power plant in Gacko field is a very important industrial facility. The content of radionucl...

By Vesna Tunguz, Bojana Petrović, Zoranka Malešević, Slađana Petronić

Changes in the structure and fragmentation of land plots, arising from the process of privatization and restitution, as well as from the realization of large-scale infrastructural projects in Southeast Europe and similar, actualize problems in terms of intensive agricultural production, and aesthetic and functional spacing design. The need for init...

By Goran Marinković, Jelena Lazić, Slobodan Morača, Ilija Grgić

The management of air quality at landfills has, among other things, the objective of controlling of waste management efficiency at the landfill. Modern landfills, although built in accordance with domestic and European regulations, affect the quality of the air in the areawherethey are located. The challenges faced by sanitary landfills are the saf...

By Danijela Knežević, Nebojša Knežević

June 2019 Original scientific article Environment

The study presents results of the measurements of the atmospheric nitrogen dioxide concentration and simultaneous meteorological variables: average temperature, air pressure, and relative humidity, speed and wind direction. The data were collected from July 2015 to June 2017 at stations located in Banja Luka (locality Centre). Nitrogen dioxide is o...

By Predrag Ilić, Zoran Popović, Suzana Gotovac-Atlagić

Vertical distribution of species and infraspecies taxa of diatoms (Bacillariophyta) on well mosses where they live epiphytically, and a relative number of individuals per surface area unit were followed in 8 open wells with shadoof. Researches were conducted during 2015-2016 through four seasons. Sampling of algae material from well mosses that cov...

By Milenko Ćurčić, Dragica Milinković, Dragana Radivojević, Dijana Đurić